Measuring ozone precursors GC955 POCP

The VOC analyzer GC955 POCP was developed for the measurement of ozone precursors (POCP) in air. The immission measurement of more than 30 components with boiling point differences of more than 300 K is practically impossible or only possible with great compromises online in the field with only one gas chromatograph. Synspec's solution is a GC955 system consisting of two sampling units and two separate column systems: one for the C2-C5 and one for the C6-C10 components.

The GC955 is a gas chromatograph with built-in cooled enrichment. Hydrocarbons are enriched on Carbosieves SIII at -5 oC, thermally desorbed and separated with a combination of two columns, a capillary film column and a capillary plot column. In this way, the low-boiling components can be separated. The analysis is performed by a photo-ionization detector and a flame ionization detector. This allows a high sensitivity and very good identification.

Chromatogram of the measurement of C2-C5 PID (blue), FID (red)


Chromatogram of the measurement of C6-C10, FID