U-SMPS 1050 / 1100 / 1200
Scanning particle mobility classification system with size classifier DEMC 1000 and condensation particle counter UF-CPC (50/100/200) for most accurate measurements of particle size distributions in the size range 4 nm to 600 nm
U-SMPS 2050 / 2100 / 2200
Scanning particle mobility classification system with size classifier DEMC 2000 and condensation particle counter UF-CPC (50/100/200) for most accurate measurements of particle size distributions in the size range 8 nm to 1,200 nm
The Palas® U-SMPS systems include a size classifier (defined in ISO 15900 as Differential Electrical Mobility Classifier - DEMC; also known as Differential Mobility Analyzer - DMA), in which the aerosol particles are selected according to their electrical mobility and directed to the output.
These particles are then counted by a condensation particle counter (e.g. Palas® UF-CPC). The three available UF-CPC models allow optimized single particle counting in different concentration ranges.
The U-SMPS is operated via a graphical user interface with touch screen. A scan of a particle size distribution can be performed in just 30 seconds or in up to 64 size channels per decade. The voltage in the DEMC is continuously changed, resulting in higher count statistics per size channel. A linear and logarithmic display of the measured values is possible on the device itself via the integrated data logger. The enclosed evaluation software enables a wide range of data evaluations (extensive statistics and average calculations) and offers export options.
The U-SMPS is usually operated as a stand-alone device, but can also be connected to a computer or network via various interfaces (USB, LAN, WLAN, RS-232/485).
The Palas® U-SMPS universally supports DMAs, CPCs and aerosol spectrometers of other manufacturers.
Especially for calibration projects, accurate sizing and reliable performance of the U-SMPS are extremely important. All components must pass a stringent quality assurance test and are assembled in-house.