Fidas® 200 S
EN 16450-certified fine dust aerosol spectrometer for simultaneous measurement of PM2,5and PM10, mounted in weatherproof housing for outdoor installation
Fidas® 200 is an aerosol spectrometer specially developed for use in regulatory environmental monitoring. It continuously analyses the fine dust particles present in the ambient air in the size range 180 nm - 18 µm and simultaneously calculates the immission values PM10 and PM2.5 to be monitored. At the same time PM1, PM4, PMtot, the number concentration Cn and the particle size distribution are calculated and recorded. It thus provides comprehensive information about the fine dust particles, which is only possible with a counting single particle measuring method.
The Fidas® 200 S version shown here consists of a 19" rack mounted in a splash-proof stainless steel switch cabinet and designed for outdoor use (temperature range -20 - 50 °C). A larger, air-conditioned control cabinet is available on request, allowing the installation of additional equipment. Variants of the Fidas® 200 S are the basic unit Fidas® 200 and the Fidas® 200 E with remote sensor (for easier integration in stations with existing roof feed-through).
Fidas® 200S and the functionally identical variants Fidas® 200 and Fidas® 200 E are currently the only optical individual particle sizers that are tested for simultaneous, continuous monitoring of PM10 and PM2.5 according to the guidelines VDI 4202-1, VDI 4203-3, EN 12341, EN 14907, EN 16450 and the EU Equivalence Guideline and certified according to the guidelines EN 15267-1 and -2. The announcement of the suitability of the Fidas® 200 was published for the first time in the Federal Gazette BAnz AT 02. April 2015 B5 under Chapter IV Communication 14. The product conformity certificate issued by TÜV Rheinland and the Federal Environment Agency in accordance with EN 15267 and the report prepared by TÜV Rheinland on the suitability test for the Fidas® 200 variant are published on
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---> Download EN report <--- Click on the link to download: Product conformity certificate according to EN 16450 for Fidas® 200 S and complete test report for Fidas® 200 S
In addition, Fidas® 200, Fidas® 200 E and Fidas® 200 S are also approved and certified in the United Kingdom according to the MCERTS Performance Standards for CAMS and MCERTS for UK Particulate Matter (Defra Approval) requirements. The corresponding certificate is published under MCERTS/DEFRA Approval, as is the test report.
---> Download MCert certificate <--- ---> Download MCert report <--- Click on the link to download: MCERTS/DEFRA Approval for Fidas® 200 S and total for Palas Fidas 200 S
The Fidas® 200 S uses the recognized measuring technique of optical light scattering on individual particles and is equipped with an LED light source of high light intensity (dp,min = 180 nm), high light stability and long service life. The calibration of the instrument can be easily and quickly checked and adjusted at any time with the aid of a monodisperse test aerosol, even when installed.
The sampling system of the Fidas® 200 S works with a volume flow of approx. 0.3 m3/h. It is equipped with a Sigma 2 sampling head according to VDI 2119-4, which enables representative sampling even in strong winds, as well as a drying section, which prevents falsification of the measurement due to condensation effects at high humidity. The drying section (Intelligent Aerosol Drying System - IADS) is controlled on the basis of outside temperature, air pressure and relative humidity. These measured values are provided by a weather station; wind speed, wind direction and precipitation can also be measured on request. A filter holder for plane filters (ø 47 mm or ø 50 mm) is integrated into the sampling system, which enables, for example, subsequent chemical analysis of the aerosol composition.
The Fidas® 200 S offers a wide range of communication options and allows complete remote control and maintenance of the systems as well as online data access. The supplied software offers a wide range of options for evaluation (including extensive statistics and averaging calculations) and export of measurement data.
Here is an outside view and schematically the structure of the Fidas® 200 S.

Exterior view and structure of the Fidas® 200 S
The actual aerosol sensor is an optical aerosol spectrometer, which determines the particle size according to Lorenz Mie using scattered light analysis on individual particles. The particles move individually through an optically delimited measuring volume, which is homogeneously illuminated with polychromatic light. Each particle generates a scattered light pulse which is detected at an angle of 85° to 95°. The number of particles is measured by the number of scattered light pulses. The height of the scattered light pulse is a measure of the particle diameter.
Precise optics, the high light output of the polychromatic LED light source and powerful signal processing electronics with logarithmic A/D conversion enable a lower detectable particle size of 180 nm. The detection of smaller particles, which are particularly found near roads in high concentrations, is important for the correct determination of PM2.5, for example. Fig. 4 shows the influence of the lower measurement limit in comparison with a system whose lower measurement limit is 300 nm.

Higher sensitivity with the Fidas® fine dust measuring system for the particle size range 0.18 - 18 µm
The better the classification accuracy and resolution of a particle measuring instrument, the more accurately the particle size distribution can be determined. The light source of the Fidas® 200 S enables a calibration curve without ambiguities and thus a very good size resolution or classification accuracy. The measuring volume of the Fidas® sensor is precisely delimited optically using the patented T-aperture technology, which enables particle measurement without edge zone errors and thus also contributes to precise size determination. The powerful digital signal evaluation enables coincidence (simultaneous presence of several particles in the measuring volume) to be detected and, if necessary, compensated.

Comparison of algorithms for the conversion of particle size distribution into PM values
To determine the mass or mass fraction from the measured data, the particle size distribution is first calculated using a factor (again dependent on the particle size). Here it is taken into account that the environmental aerosol comes from different sources (e.g. combustion aerosol, tyre abrasion, pollen) depending on the particle size (see Fig. 5). A mass fraction such as PM10 is then obtained by applying the corresponding separation curve (see EN 481) to the particle size distribution determined. Although the optical measuring principle does not determine the particle mass directly (equivalence method), i.e. the exact correspondence to gravimetry is not guaranteed in every case, the empirical knowledge used to prepare the measurement data permits a very good correlation with the standard reference measuring method (see Fig. 6), as was demonstrated in the suitability test.

Reference equivalence function for PM10 of the Fidas® 200 S in comparison to a reference small filter device in the course of the suitability test, taken from "Report on the supplementary test of the immission measuring device Fidas® 200 S or Fidas® 200 of the company PALAS GmbH for the components suspended particulate matter PM10 and PM2.5, TÜV report: 936/21227195/B".
Different separation curves can be applied simultaneously to the same size distribution so that, for example, PM10 and PM2.5 as well as other mass fractions can be calculated and output simultaneously.
Your advantages:
- Suitability-tested and certified according to the latest EU requirements (EN 15267, EN 16450)
- Continuous and simultaneous real-time measurement of several PM values
- Additional information through particle number concentration and particle size distribution
- Time resolution adjustable from > 1 s to 24 h
- Light source: LED with high stability and long service life
- Long service life
- Low maintenance
- External verification of calibration on site possible
- Intuitive and simple operation
- Reliable function, very high data availability (>99 %)
- 2 pumps in parallel operation for additional operational safety due to redundancy
- Permanent status monitoring, e.g. online calibration monitoring
- Remote monitoring, operation and maintenance easily possible
- Cloud Zone via Palas Server for worldwide retrieval of measurement data
- No radioactive material
- No consumables
- Low energy consumption
- Reduces your operating costs
Possible applications:
- Official environmental monitoring in measuring networks
- immission measurement campaigns
- long-term studies
- emission source mapping
- Dispersion studies (e.g. volcano, fire)
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